A curated pallet of beautiful, professional-grade artist formulations borne from native New Zealand flora, volcanic ash, clay-earth, gemstone and algae. Refined with patience, care, and dedication.



Earth Colours and Organic Pigments

The NATURAL EARTH AND OCHER pigments encompass a spectrum of hues derived solely from the Earth itself. These pigments give rise to gentle, partially translucent shades, revealing nuanced undertones when blended with opaque foundations. While their tinting power may not rival that of our Oxide pigments in terms of strength or opacity, their colours possess an unmatched quality that eludes artificial counterparts. 

Carefully and responsibly sourced by hand, these pigments originate from quarries and mountain ranges scattered across the breathtaking landscapes of New Zealand. Moreover, they are non-toxic, ensuring a safe and conscientious artistic experience.



A dusky leather cloak, wet dirt unfurled,

As twilight falls and stains the world.

Uprooted moss and ancient alpine fir,

Like fading embers of a forgotten hearth.

In whispering trees and vetiver roots entwined,

Animalistic musk and deep crimson wine.

Frozen footsteps, and smoking sage,

Tell melancholy tales of earth and decay.


Handmade in New Zealand. 

Available in 

9 ml / 0.3 oz 

30 ml / 1.0 oz

Fallen is a trio blend of natural earth pigments and 

Tanekaha (Phyllocladus trichomanoides) bark for a red/brown colour.

Pigments: Umber Dark  Natural Loam PBr7

Pigment: Red Ocher - Natural loam, limonite

Source Location: Derived from Te Puna River edge.

Hiding power: Opaque

Good Lightfastness. Permanent to UV

Country of Origin: Aotearoa NZ



Maruāpō draws from Aotearoa's deep connection to the spiritual and ancestral, entwined with our sacred lands. It echoes the ageless forests, sentinel mountains, and endless sea, all within the embrace of solitary serenity

Ancient shadows, time and solitude, 

soul's sacred space.

Savage winds whisper of night and abyss.

Veiled moon watching over

The indomitable sea, a light snow's grace.

The essence of shadow, soul and the infinite.


Handmade in New Zealand. 

Available in 

9 ml / 0.3 oz 

30 ml / 1.0 oz

Maruāpō is a semi-translucent deep indigo, blue shade, in the vein of a Paynes grey.


Slight drying shift, semi-granulating, colour separation wet on wet.


Custom-made rare iron oxide. - exclusive.

A triple pigment combination. Indigo, Slate and Black.

Excellent Lightfastness.

Pigments: Obsidian. Indigo Black. Iron Sand 

Source Locations: Mt Ruapehu  (Te Wai ā-moe)

Ruapuke Black Sand Beach

Country of Origin: Aotearoa NZ



PUNGAREHU is inspired by Aotearoa's volcanic formation. 

A delicate blush, like petals kissed by decay,

The air burdened with ancient sorrows. 

The depths of an ember heart, now faded, forlorn.

An ashen cloak, powdery, withered with scorch.

A pallid veil, buried secrets, 

 The remnants of eruptions and fiery echoes.

Petrified dreams, whispers of ruined hope, 

Enigmatic beauty, turning all to ash and dust.


Handmade in New Zealand. 

Light skin. Oxidising arcane metals. Ashen remains.

Cinder is a lovely dusty rose. Captivating wash over white. 

A custom-made iron oxide.


Excellent Lightfastness.


Contains pigment, gum arabic, manuka oil, glycerin.

Obsidian Alchemical formulations are mulled by hand and poured and dried 2-4 times. The process takes about 2-3 weeks.

Colours may vary due to screen specifications, settings, camera lighting, and application.

Country of Origin: Aotearoa NZ




From ancient memories, creatures of lore arise,

Guardians of ours, with penetrating eyes.

Awaken breath of mystic might,

As green leaves dance, embracing the ethereal light.

Within its hue, an old tale is spun,

Of mythical beings, beneath a young moon and sun.

Their essence entwined with nature's vibrant bloom,

Now forgotten voices, echoes of gloom.

Sage guardians of ancient lore,

hails thee, forevermore.

Inspired by nature's secrets, wisdom lost,

Unveil its beauty, a story the world forgot.


Handmade in New Zealand. 

Available in 

9 ml / 0.3 oz 

30 ml / 1.0 oz

Taniwha is a combination pigment.




obtained from Phormium tenax, Harekeke / the New Zealand flax plant.


Chromium Oxide Green


Pigment: Black 

Source Location: Ruapuke Black Sand Beach

Composition: Titanomagnetite (Titanium, Iron). Magnetite (Iron oxide)

Colour Index:  Black 11 (77499) 

Hiding power: Transparent

Lightfastness: Good


Contains pigment, gum arabic, manuka oil, glycerin and clove oil.

Obsidian Alchemical formulations are mulled by hand and poured and dried 2-4 times. The process takes about 2-3 weeks.

Colours may vary due to screen specifications, settings, camera lighting, and application.

Country of Origin: Aotearoa NZ



E tū Pōhutukawa e

Te kaikawe i ngā mate o te tau

Haere rā koutou ki te uma o ranginui

Haere ki te kete nui a tāne

Koia rā! Kua whetūrangitia koutou


...You have become stars


A chill breeze whispers through the shadows, 

carrying a mournful dirge . 

Its dim glow paints the world in shades of somber, 

casting an ethereal pallor upon the land. 

In the heart of the night, the moon hides its face, 

as a sentinel ascends, heralding the forthcoming departure of souls from this earthly realm.

Beneath its haunting gaze, the earth trembles, 

and the air grows heavy with sorrow. 

Communities huddle close, sensing an impending darkness that lurks beyond the horizon. 

Pōhutukawa's presence warns of the fragility of existence, urging all who witness its spectral luminescence to cherish the moments with loved ones, for they too shall succumb to the inexorable passage of time.


Handmade in New Zealand. 

Available in 

9 ml / 0.3 oz 

28 ml / 1 oz

Pōhutukawa is a combination pigment. 

She's a separating colour, with high granulation.

Semi -Opaque


Obtained from Kahikatea berries

Rose red: Quinacridone Rose pigment PV19

Cool red: Quinacridone Magenta pigment PR122

Pigment: Black 

Source Location: Ruapuke Black Sand Beach

Obsidian Alchemical formulations are mulled by hand and poured and dried 2-4 times. The process takes about 2-3 weeks.

Country of Origin: Aotearoa NZ

Andrew Carvae, CARVAE, Carvae art, carvae artist, ΛNDREW CARVΛÉ, Λndrew Carvʌé,

new zealand art, new zealand artist, Tauranga, Tauranga fine art, tauranga artist, paint, watercolour, watercolour, mediums, earth pigments,

Fine art, Figurative painting, figurativism , Expressionist painting, Oil painting, Expressionism, Traditional brush, Impasto, Abstract techniques, large canvases, abstract art, 

dark art, morbid art, gothic art, goth artist, suffering, emotional art, human dignity, Beauty, Dignity, Mortality, Loss, Pain, fine art Tauranga, modern art NZ, fine artist NZ,